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[94] Eines per a la sostenibilitat lingüística (2)

El projecte INCA, com comentàvem, estableix un marc per al calibratge de la competència intercultural. Es pot consultar la teoria general d'aquest marc, inspirada en treballs de Byram, Nichols, Stevens, Kühlmann, Müller-Jacquier i altres autors. Aquesta teoria estableix sis indicadors per a l'anàlisi d'aquesta competència, que són els següents (en la versió anglesa): 1) tolerance for ambiguity (“the ability to accept ambiguity and lack of clarity and to be able to deal with this constructively”); 2) behavioural flexibility (“the ability to adapt one’s own behaviour to different requirements and situations”); 3) communicative awareness (“the ability to recognise different linguistic conventions, different foreign language skills and their effects on discourse processes, and to negotiate rules appropriate for intercultural communication”); 4) knowledge discovery (“the ability to acquire new knowledge of a culture and cultural practices and the ability to act using that knowledge, attitudes and skills under the constraints of real-time communication and interaction”); 5) respect for otherness (“is manifested in curiosity and openness, readiness to suspend belief about (the ‘naturalness’ of) one’s own culture and to believe in (the ‘naturalness’ of) other cultures”); 6) empathy (“the ability to project oneself into another person’s perspective and their opinions, motives, ways of thinking and feelings. Empathic persons are able to relate and respond in appropriate ways to the feelings, preferences and ways of thinking of others”). Continuarem.

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