Pel que fa a l'eix de metodologia i innovació en avaluació del
Congrés Internacional de CercleS, destaquem les ponències següents: “Assessing an institution-wide language programme using the european language portfolio and the common european framework of reference” (Irlanda); “Checklists for learner autonomy: practices of self-assessment” (Alemanya); “Self-assessment: good practice guidelines for foreign language teachers” (Espanya); “Alternative assessment methods for the multicultural classroom” (Espanya). Finalment, pel que fa a aspectes actuals en l'aprenentatge i l'ensenyament de llengua, volem destacar les participacions següents: “Distributed language learning: the web, the elp and the learner” (Bèlgica); “Learning to learn: strategy teaching in the university second language classroom” (Espanya); “The language café” (Suècia i Lituània): “The linguistic snapshot: key for the reflection on learning processes (Espanya)” i “Why, what and how to integrate in academic language studies? (Finlàndia) [“One way of promoting awareness and increasing the social relevance of language and communication studies among both staff and students is adoption of an integrative pedagogical approach. This refers to an instructional design, where the principle of integration is extended beyond what is generally understood by LSP or LAP, although some features are naturally the same. In this design integration refers to a holistic system of incorporating in academic language studies e.g. transferrable skills (e.g. learning skills, critical information management, use of new learning environments), discipline-specific discourse conventions and cultures, strategic skills for team-working and intercultural collaboration, presentation skills, networking and employment skills, etc. Achieving food learning outcomes in these skills benefits both the subject department and the students in their pursuit of good employability.”]
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